OXYGEN is a subconscious reprogramming book designed to help you quit smoking by forming in you a subconscious love and enjoyment of breathing fresh clean air
Most of what determines our success at our goals comes from our subconscious mind and deep emotional and habitual programming. We logically know what we should be doing to improve our lives, but the hard part is actually doing it. Emotions, habits, excuses, and old programming make change, improvement, and forming new habits difficult.
But if you replaced your subconscious mind with that of a person who already enjoys and regularly and easily does what you want to be doing, you will naturally do the right things also. This book makes it easy.
OXYGEN Quit smoking and enjoy breathing fresh clean air with this hypnosis – like subconscious morning reprogramming script
This book is a subconscious reprogramming book designed to help you quit smoking cigarettes by giving you a subconscious love and enjoyment of breathing fresh clean air instead.
This may be the best and easiest way to quit smoking cigarettes. Since you subconsciously crave it, you need a powerful solution that also works with your subconscious mind. When you give up an addiction like smoking cigarettes, you need to replace it with something. Once you have made the decision to quit smoking, you can use this book to help replace your smoking train of thought and cravings with a love of breathing fresh clean air. Deep breathing gives you something else to do whenever you get an urge, and it also helps by calming your mind’s brain chemistry right when that craving hits, when you need it most.
Keep this book by your bed, and read it for 5 minutes every morning first thing, before you even reach for your phone or cigarettes, because they give you a dopamine kick. You can read it last thing before falling asleep also for added effect. Identify with the messages, visualize and internalize the meaning to you and your life and feel the effects. See yourself doing deep breathing as a path to a solution. When you see yourself doing it right in your mind, and add emotion and internalize and give the affirmations meaning to your life, and repeat this for 30 days, it has a hypnosis – like effect because it goes into your subconscious mind. This is not a video nor an app, because you need to gently push your own thoughts through your own mind in your own voice. Why not motivational videos? Videos spike your dopamine while viewing them, but then your dopamine drops throughout the day and when you really need to make key decisions. These books are designed to use your subconscious to help you consciously correct your actions when you need it most. This book is designed to help make each decision regarding smoking a more conscious decision, so you have added strength and willpower at key moments, so you can say no to lighting up.
Author Daniel Ben Abraham smoked over a pack a day for 8 years, and quit 20 years ago using a technique like this as a key part of his efforts.
Look for more titles in the Subconscious Morning Re-Programming Script series by Daniel Ben Abraham
-FLOW – ADHD & productivity subconscious morning re-programming script
-LEAN – Mental portion control and weight loss subconscious Morning re-programming script
-FAST – Love of fasting for diet, weight loss, and eating control subconscious morning re-programming script
-SUCCESS – Attract money, wealth, and success subconscious morning re-programming script
-GUARD – Guard your mind from social media addiction subconscious morning re-programming script
-SELF-DISCIPLINE – Self-Discipline for personal power subconscious morning re-programming script
-FIT – Love of Exercise and Fitness Subconscious Morning Re-Programming Script
-GYM – Love of the Gym and Fitness Subconscious Morning Re-Programming Script
-OXYGEN – Quit smoking and enjoy breathing fresh clean air Subconscious Morning Re-Programming Script