SUCCESS Attract Money, Wealth, and Success subconscious morning reprogramming script is designed to reprogram your subconscious mind like hypnosis to help you better attract and achieve success.
Many people have numerous subconscious reasons for their lack of success. Some feel they don’t deserve it. Some have compulsions to spend for emotional reasons. Some lack interest in acquiring new skills. Some dong have drive, or willpower, hunger, focus, or the interest. Some don’t expect positive results and don’t aim for them. Some don’t focus on the right goals. Many of the resulting actions are automatic, without thinking. Much of the reason success is far off for many people is negative thinking and negative unconscious programming that causes missed opportunities and wasted time. Often this is deeply embedded in our psyche from childhood, and too powerful for our conscious minds to overcome. That’s why people who make their first million then find it easy to make their second million and third and so on, because the subconscious mental barriers are broken.
SUCCESS Attract Money, Wealth, and Success Subconscious Morning Re-Programming Script is designed to reprogram your subconscious mind to better achieve success. The book is designed to have a hypnosis – like effect to motivate you with the mindset of energy, positive optimistic outlook and expectations, planning and focus on your identified goals. It is designed to help with enthusiasm toward objectives, inspiration and hunger, drive, give you a more confident and joyous attitude that will lead to success, and to help you take action towards your goals and opportunities to help you achieve success faster and easier. This book is designed to be motivation and inspirational with positive messages, to help you develop new habits and attitudes toward success and your goals. It helps motivate you to have increased goal selection, goal setting, and help you lead a goal-oriented mentality in a way where you actually enjoy the process as you feel your goals getting closer.
How to use: Keep the book by your bed. When you wake up, first thing, read this book for 5 minutes, even before you reach for your phone. Internalize the ideas and concepts by feeling the meaning behind them and associating these messages with your life. See yourself doing the things in this book, and feel the positive energy and emotions from doing so. By repeatedly reading this for 30 days every morning, the content in this book will work similar to hypnosis by going into your subconscious mind. The positive affirmations are designed to work like neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to help you achieve your goals. You can read it also last thing before you go to bed for added effect. The positive messages will help improve your internal mental programming and expectations to be that of a successful person who naturally attracts goals, success, and wealth. You’ll see yourself doing the right things more easily with this money magnet subconscious reprogramming, and be steps ahead on your way to building wealth.
Other books in the Subconscious Morning Reprogramming Series by Daniel Ben Abraham:
1-FLOW – ADHD & productivity subconscious re-programming
2-LEAN – Mental portion control and weight loss subconscious re-programming
3-FAST – I love fasting appetite control for weight loss subconscious re-programming
4-SUCCESS MONEY MAGNET – Attract money, skills, and opportunities subconscious re-programming
5-GUARD – Guard your mind – Social media addiction cure subconscious re-programming
6-SELF-DISCIPLINE – Self-discipline for personal power subconscious morning re-programming
7-GYM – Love going to the gym subconscious morning re-programming
8-OXYGEN – Quit smoking subconscious re-programming
9-FIT – Love of exercise subconscious re-programming
10-LIKE – Basic social skills and likability subconscious re-programming