Lady Gaga Please Don’t Go Go – Trump author responds to report that Lady Gaga plans to leave U.S. if Trump is re-elected

Dear Lady Gaga,

I am a big fan of your work; your free spirit, talent, and creativity. I’m also a fan of Trump for reasons I’m sure you don’t understand.

I wrote the book, “Explaining Trump to Children and the Left”, with the adorably, snarky title, because I want to build bridges.

It would be sad to see you go, but even sadder if we allowed emotions to create divisiveness, instead of trying to find ways to increase the peace.

The Donald Trump I see is very different from the one depicted in much of the media. Yes, Trump may be an imperfect hero like all of us, but I hope you believe in focusing on the good parts about every human being, and not just their flaws.

While the media loves exaggerating the negatives, when I look at Trump, I see the first independent candidate who can’t be bought who got elected in a broken system. I see the first president who speaks his mind regardless the polls. And, I see someone who was nominated for three Nobel prizes, and made four Middle East peace deals, the most of any president in American history. I see the only president under whom Russia did not invade another country this entire century, and the only president who didn’t start a new American war in over 70 years.

Maybe I have a hardened perspective, because I was born under and escaped from communism as a refugee, and care much more about wars than hurt feelings from statements I disagree with. But this is what I see.

The Ukraine war is unnecessary, and the largest war in Europe since WWII. The war in Gaza is unnecessary, and the largest war in the Middle East in fifty years. Thousands of people are dying, hundreds of billions are being wasted, global divisiveness is the highest it’s been since World War II. Many people overseas dislike America because of our mindless wars that become endless government programs. And while the media may not have told you, I believe the world was a lot more peaceful under outside-the-box Trump than polished, scripted, Biden, and smooth-talking Obama who left his presidency with three ongoing endless wars and is responsible for many of our problems today. I wrote an adorable Trump book so that many could see a different perspective they never have, just to have seen both sides, and make an informed decision.

I hope you will read it too…and buy a copy for each of your fans.

I wish you good luck no matter your endeavors, and of course, may peace prevail.


Daniel Ben Abraham

Book available on at